Mortgage for first-time buyers

Not enough down payment?

It is a very common situation these days. We have many ways to address it – acceptable by all banks and lenders

New to mortgages and banking world?

With us you’ll get all the knowledge and guidance you need to compare your choices and make an informed decision

You got a Pre-Approval from your bank?

There is a good chance we can improve it. With 40+ lenders we’ll present you with varied options and provide you with an action plan

Having a winning offer

We frequently see that the main challenge is the competition you face, as for almost every house in the market, there are several competing offers. We’ll make sure your offer will be the winning one. With us you will start your house hunt only after your personal documents are reviewed, confirmed and you are ready to go.

Winning the house you like, will be achieved by going through an extensive preparation. Our process will not only get your offer to win but frequently will enable you to offer less than the asking price. This is our way to save you time and money.

Your process, as a first-time buyer, maybe full with unknown concepts and details. We will be there to lead you through the process and familiarize its details to you. You will master the terms and will feel comfortable in making your decisions. With more than 40 lenders and an excellent professional network of realtors, lawyers, insurance brokers, appraisers and others, we’ll get you the best deal and the best mortgage terms.

It's not only about the rates

We will start by getting you the best rate, but we will not stop there. The main factors in saving you money are your mortgage hidden features.
Most first-time buyers focus on comparing rates, which is what the banks have trained us to look for. We are here to make sure that All your mortgage features are in place to cut your costs and pave the way to constantly improving your mortgage. Your first mortgage will be constructed with the ability to break it midterm and once the opportunity presents itself, to save you further.

Lenders don’t like it when your mortgage becomes flexible and you are able to easily move from them. They, for sure, won’t call you once their rates went down or when their competitor posted an amazing promotion. With Sneg mortgage team, the best rates are looked at as well as all other mortgage components. We’ll make sure they are lined up to save you more along the process. Flexibility is the key. We construct your first mortgage to allow modification to save you money in the long run; and if down the road you’ll consider getting an investment property, your well thought of mortgage, we put in the first palace, will serve this purpose too.

Learn the process

Your first step will be probably to dive into the needed knowledge about the mortgage process and the different mortgage products. We are here to guide you through the process until you feel confident with all new concepts and terms and ready to to act

Fill up the application

In this phase we lead a comprehensive process that takes in consideration your personal data, as well as any property you have. You’ll collect all documents upfront and we’ll review them to put together a plan for you

Talk to mortgage experts

After reviewing your data and supporting documents, we will meet. Usually it's done electronically (via Zoom for instance). In this meeting we’ll look at all your needs, current and future plans. The outcome would be a customized plan to address those needs

Get approved

We strive to get you pre-qualified, so even before you have a property in mind, you’ll be confident that all your mortgage aspects have been covered and all your documents have been reviewed. This way, when time comes, you’ll be easily approved

Buy your dream home

We have a high rate of getting our clients the house they love. It’s all thanks to a well guided and upfront financing process. When finalizing their decision, our clients enjoy a peace of mind, knowing that their mortgage is guaranteed

Create your own plan. Secure your future.

Complete our short form. We will get back to you shortly with how much we can approve you for and what your monthly payment will be

Questions about first time buyers mortgage? We can help!

This is your time to explore your choices and get your workfarme and number

After the initial phone conversation with us; and filing the one-minute application you’ll get clarity of your situation. We respond in one business day. We would love to see how we could help to get your dream come true.

We have a very high rate of success in getting an approval for first-time buyers as well as our other types of client. That, in part, thanks to a wide range of lenders that address unique needs and challenges.
In order to indicate how much you can be approved for, we lead a comprehensive and proactive process. We’ll collect all your documents upfront, review them in-depth, and address every aspect. This way we will be able to decide on the best lender and financial product. The answer to your question will change based on the property. For instance, you’ll get different numbers for a condo, a house or a house with a suite.
We provide mortgages to clients with who have a 5% 10% 15% down payment. The most comfortable mortgages are given to 20% down payment, but there is no problem receiving mortgages for lower down payments. We will check for you all the options. Keep in mind that most first-time buyers have very little down payment. Many times, they use gift money from parents, and we have a way to maximize your down payment so you’ll get exactly the house you want.
That's why we're here. We are here to accompany you through the process for you to gain knowledge so that the next time you have to renew this mortgage or go for a new mortgage for a new property you will feel very confident. There are no questions that are too small for us. You must get to know every aspect of your mortgage and knowledge about the process.
The good mortgages offered or the interest deals offered by each bank contain parameters that you have no control over and do not consider your effort to expand in the real estate market or make changes to your life during the mortgage period. We know that a large portion – 70% of mortgage takers today, will need over the course of 5 years to change it. Therefore, you must have your mortgage to be able to respond to your life events. Hence, when we build a mortgage, we look at interest rates and your flexibility to move from lender to lender. That is something you'll never get from your bank.

Focused mortgage approval process


Mortgage Calculator


Your total monthly payment

Principal & Interest

NOTE: ALL MORTGAGE CALCULATOR RESULTS ARE APPROXIMATE VALUES. Please call us for your exact mortgage calculation.

We Are Here To Help You

Fill up this short form and we will get to you shortly, with how much we can approve you for and what will be your monthly payment.

1 min application

    Mortgage Type
    Mortgage Amount
    Household Income
    Credit Rating

    Our Lenders